Monday, March 3, 2008

Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando

Returning in 2003 with new weapons and gadgets, improved game mechanics, and a more likable hero, Going Commando was a solid and very popular entry in the ongoing Ratchet & Clank series. While the game was easily accessible to a new player, a fun feature was the free acquisition of classic weapons with the presence of a save file from the first game. Also nice was the fact that you didn't have to retread the same ground, as is so often the case in series games: items like Clank's upgrades and Ratchet's grind boots did not need to be reacquired. The best addition, though, is probably the upgradable weapons. The more they're used, the better they work, holding more ammunition and dealing more damage. Once again, the weapons range from the silly (the Sheepinator, which is exactly what it sounds like) to the deadly serious (the Zodiac, which will take out any- and everything visible on the screen in one hit) and everything in between.

Everything is pretty anti-climactic after saving a galaxy, but while Clank's content living a quiet life, Ratchet's hungry for more adventure. That's why when Abercrombie Fizzwidget, CEO of Megacorp in the neighboring galaxy, offers a job recovering a stolen experiment, Ratchet's only too eager to accept. Things heat up when Clank is unwillingly dragged into the mess, but it's just the beginning. Between a mystery thief, Thugs-4-Less rental goons, and a furry problem of gargantuan size, Ratchet and Clank have their hands full, but when an old enemy rears his head, it gets difficult for Ratchet to keep his.


Ratchet shows off his shiny new Plasma Coil
Clank leads a small army of robot slaves
Fizzwidget shows off his new experiment
The shadowy thief
Sheepinator aftermath
Who couldn't use a mini-nuke?

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