Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

Today, 3/25/08, marks the US release of the long-anticipated prequel to Final Fantasy VII. Crisis Core, while PSP-specific, sports amazing graphics and a fantastic soundtrack, as well as quality voice acting and, quite frankly, the best spin-off of the wildly popular original game. Gathering both critical acclaim and popular appeal, FFVII:CC is a milestone in the franchise. As a prequel, it covers the seven years prior to FFVII leading right up to the moments almost immediately before the start of that game. Featuring characters known to FFVII fans that have not previously been given much face time, this is a game both comforting to old hands and accessible to new players, although only the latter will be surprised at the inevitable tragedy.

Zack Fair is a SOLDIER 2nd Class with a burning desire to prove himself. With the guidance of his friend and mentor Angeal, Zack works his way through the war in Wutai and up the ranks. Their relationship takes a hit, though, when they are sent to retrieve a SOLDIER gone AWOL: Genesis, longtime friend of both Angeal and Sephiroth. The genetic experimentation that is revealed in the search will have lasting implications, and also immediate, devestating impact.


Three friends at play
In-game combat
A familiar scene
A familiar face
The only time you've ever seen Cloud smile
Game trailer

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