Monday, February 4, 2008

Jak 3

Increasingly idiosyncratic in its naming conventions, 2004's Jak 3 is the "final" game in the series, despite having two more titles come out after it. Perhaps realizing that the doom and gloom approach of II was a bit heavy-handed, publisher Naughty Dog went back to a slightly more carefree overall feel, which is a bit odd considering the lingering darkness of plot. With an even heavier emphasis on racing than previous installments—this time with four-wheeled vehicles rather than the motorcycle-like zoomers—and a change in voice acting that relegated designated love interest Keira to little more than a cameo role, 3 alienated a number of fans, although the gameplay as a whole was a little more manageable and the over-arching story is brought to a conclusion of sorts. The locations in particular brought a nice balance back to the games, alternating between a vast desert and a scaled-down version of the city from II, harkening back to the open spaces of the first game while embracing the challenge of the second.

Jak may have defeated the metalhead leader and saved Haven from destruction, but the populace—carefully lead by the scheming Count Veger—doesn't trust him and, after a new attack, Jak is held responsible and exiled to the Wasteland. Picked up by Damas, king of Spargus—a city of exiles and an oasis in the harsh desert—and embittered by the betrayal of his adopted home, Jak sets about building a new life for himself and his faithful friend Daxter. In between proving himself to Damas, dealing with the outright hostility of the local monks, and deciding whether he should answer Ashelin and Torn's call to help Haven again, Jak also picks up some new light eco abilities and finds out just why his friend Sig was haunting Haven in the first place. The answer will end up changing Jak's life forever.


Jak and Daxter, v. 3.0
Dark Jak is still alive and kicking
And Light Jak joins the party
Veger supervises Jak's exile
Damas and Jak enjoy a heart to heart
Ashelin asks for help
Torn is pleased to see Jak again
All in a day's work
A leisurely desert cruise
Game intro movie

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