Thursday, January 24, 2008

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

Seamless loading of a massive map is the major hallmark of this 2001 release. In most respects a fairly typical platformer, with a set amount of health that never increases, the only "power-ups" being new colors of eco (an energy source with different effects depending on the type), and some driving sequences, Jak and Daxter still garnered overwhelmingly positive reviews. While there was nothing especially innovative in the gameplay, story, or characters, the classic elements of a silent protagonist, obnoxious sidekick, and standard jumping and collecting puzzles merged together to create a wonderful, light-hearted, and fantastically fun game.

The ever-silent Jak and his best friend, Daxter, have disobeyed orders—as teenagers tend to do—and gone out to Misty Island. After witnessing a gathering of Lurkers and being attacked by a guard, Daxter is knocked into a pool of dark eco and transformed into a little orange critter dubbed an ottsel (half otter, half weasel). Samos, the Green Sage, tells them that they must travel across the continent to the Dark Sage in order to have Daxter's condition reversed. Trouble is, there's an awful lot of Lurkers between their village and the Dark Sage...


The titular duo
Samos, pontificating at length
Keira: Samos' daughter and mechanic extraordinaire
Hanging around the seaside
Spinning through the jungle
Fighting a Lurker
A little dance of victory
The game trailer

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