Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Final Fantasy VIII

1999 marked an effort of realism with FFVIII. Character models had realistic proportions, real actors were recorded to make motions look realistic, the settings made an effort to look realistic... sadly, however, this game was widely panned by new fans for not being FFVII-2 and by old fans for lacking the fantasy aspect they loved. Sorceresses, magic, mysterious links to past events, and guardian forces aside, this is also a game with monsters falling from the moon, an orbiting satellite prison, flying anti-gravity buildings, a zero-G rescue mission, and your very own spaceship. If you really look, you can even find an alien. This is very much a love it or hate it game. The ones who love it really, really love it and the ones who hate it would rather poke out their eyes with a fork than play it. Middle ground is rare with this one, so it must be doing something right.

Squall Leonhart is taciturn and withdrawn. He's also one of the very few masters of his chosen weapon—the gunblade—at his school, a military academy that trains the students for the chance to join an elite mercenary force called SeeD. With the help of his instructor, Quistis, Squall qualifies for the SeeD exam, along with his rival, Seifer, and fellow students Zell and Selphie. Following his sterling performance he is accepted into the ranks of SeeD, and at the celebratory ball he is knocked off his feet by a young woman completely unlike any he's met before. Little does he know that she—Rinoa—is going to embroil him in a massive affair of global politics, power-hungry sorceresses past, present, and future, Squall's unknown parentage, and, most difficult of all, his own walled-up emotions. And that's all before spacetime starts breaking apart.


Sorceress Edea
Game into movie
Ballroom dance movie

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